Most people take their feet for granted until they begin having pain.  If you have hot feet or a burning sensation that is keeping you awake at night it may be sign of nerve damage.

People with diabetes frequently develop nerve damage in their feet and legs due to the high blood sugar levels present in their system. This is why managing blood sugar is critical if you have diabetes. Uncontrolled blood sugar levels cause damage to the body over time.

Diabetic neuropathy is the most common cause of nerve pain in the feet.

However, there are many other potential causes why you may be experiencing burning, tingling, “pins and needles” sensation in your feet that include, but are not limited to alcoholism, lead poisoning, chemotherapy, and vitamin B12 deficiency.

Your feet mirror your general health, conditions such as diabetes, arthritis and circulatory problems will often show their initial symptoms in the feet, this is why a podiatrist is often the first one to detect serious health problems. 

Symptoms of Neuropathy

Neuropathy nerve pain in your feet and legs is usually more painful during rest and at night, and usually gets better with activity. This is because the sensation of being active distracts the nerves from feeling the tingling and pins and needles that is causing the discomfort.

Neuropathy pain will also usually affect the same location on both feet. This is because whatever is in your system affecting your nerves (high blood sugar, alcohol, etc.) will affect the nerves on the right side just the same as the left.

What should you do about your nerve pain?

The most important part of managing nerve pain or burning feet is to get it checked by a podiatrist to detect any serious problems, then referred for further testing, such as MRIs and nerve conduction studies, to really determine the cause of the burning pain in the feet.

If you are diabetic and are experiencing any new numbness, have your feet evaluated by your podiatrist. Diabetics should have their feet checked annually by an experienced podiatrist, and make him part of their diabetes management team.

Diabetics need to be extra cautious with their feet to prevent serious foot infections and amputation.  

Remember to check your feet! If you notice any numbness, decreased sensation or burning in your feet, see your podiatrist immediately. Schedule an appointment with a foot specialist today, call (562) 433-078


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