When dealing with the obligations of your everyday life, you may write off the pain in your feet and simply hope it will go away on its own. After all, don't most people have foot pain at some point or another?
Did you know, women are four times more likely than men to develop foot problems?
At Sol Foot & Ankle Centers, we are committed to helping the women of Long Beach get back on their feet again…pain-free. Whether you are suffering from constant heel pain, a neuroma, or toenail fungus, our experienced podiatrists are ready to help you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment by calling 888-703-9826.
Are You a Woman Suffering From One of These Common Foot Problems?
Do you have a large, painful bump at the base of your big toe? You may have a bunion. Bunions do not develop overnight, but gradually over time, so if you've noticed your bunion getting progressively worse, or are experiencing pain in your big toe joint, schedule a consultation with your podiatrist to learn more about treatment options available.
Corns and Calluses
Corns and calluses are thickened areas of skin on the foot that develop from repeated friction. Calluses typically develop on the sole, ball, and heel of the foot, while corns often develop on and between the toes. Corns can also have a soft core, or center that causes shooting pain in the toes with pressure. Corns and calluses are common and are more likely to develop with specific types of foot anatomy, walking barefoot and wearing shoes that are either too big, too small, too tight, or too narrow.
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain, stemming from an inflamed plantar fascia. One of the telltale signs you are suffering from plantar fasciitis is heel pain when you first get out of bed in the morning which gets progressively better as the day goes on. If you're suffering from heel pain try these plantar fasciitis tips: avoid walking barefoot, standing for long periods, and wearing flat shoes. Contact our foot and ankle specialists for immediate relief of your heel and arch pain.
Toenail Fungus
If your toenails are yellow, thick, or are becoming brittle, you may be dealing with a toenail fungus. Toenail fungus is common. You might feel embarrassed about your feet and nails, especially since sandals and open-toed shoes are popular in southern California, but there are many ways to quickly and efficiently treat your fungus, including with our in-office PinPointe Laser treatment.
Having a hammertoe means one or both joints of the second, third, fourth or fifth toes are bending. Like bunions, hammertoes are progressive and do not form overnight. They are usually aggravated by shoes that do not fit properly and may be accompanied by other foot conditions, like corns or calluses.
Stress Fractures
A stress fracture is a small break (fracture) in one of the metatarsal bones of the foot. Often considered an overuse injury that occurs during high-impact sports and running, but may also be due to loss of bone density, as seen in osteoporosis. Women also have a higher risk of stress fractures than men.
A neuroma is a thickening of nerve tissue caused by compression of the nerve. Again, ill-fitting shoes that push the toes together are a common culprit. If you feel tingling, numbness, burning or the sensation that there's something inside the ball of your foot, call our office as soon as possible.
Experienced Podiatrists Serving the Women of Long Beach
We know you probably do so much already to help others, but today, it's time to help yourself. With three offices conveniently located in Long Beach, we are available to diagnose and treat your painful foot or ankle condition. Don't have time to come in during the work week? That's okay; we have Saturday appointments too!
Call 562-433-0478 today to schedule an appointment with our caring podiatrists.