Find helpful information about a variety of foot and ankle topics. Learn about common foot injuries, foot conditions, sports medicine, health, and most importantly your feet.
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Boston Marathon – Third Time’s the Charm?Another painful Patriot’s Day in Boston has hopefully taught me a few things about what to expect and what not to expect about running the Boston Marathon.
Youth Soccer: Why Does My Child's Heel Hurt?Is your child complaining of heel pain? Sever's Disease is one of the most common foot conditions seen in children who play youth soccer.
It's All About The ShoesWhat you need to know about your running shoes. When to replace your running shoes and the best brands to buy recommended by a podiatrist.
3 Myths Of Barefoot RunningShould you be running barefoot? Is running barefoot right for you? Read these 3 myths about barefoot running before you start running without shoes.
The Running Doctor:Small business owner, Dr. Richard Graves talks about his experience owning his podiatry practice. Honoring the innovators and risk-takers.
A Glimpse At A Small Business -
3 Simple Tips For Healthy FeetHow to keep your feet healthy and happy with 3 simple tips. Celebrate your feet for April's Foot Health Awareness Month.
5 Tips To Relieve Foot PainStanding on your feet all day is one of the main causes of foot and ankle pain. Relieve your foot pain with simple tips from a trusted podiatrist.
When Standing All Day -
5 Foods (and H20) For Healthy FeetFoods to keep your feet healthy, cure foot conditions and prevent disease. Black cherries have been know as a natural way to prevent gout attacks.
Why Do My Feet Itch at Night? (Part 2 of 2) – Why at Night?Find out what's causing your feet to itch at night. There are 3 simple reasons behind your itchy foot problem find help from a podiatrist near you in Long Beach.
Why Do My Feet Itch At Night? (Part 1 of 2)Itchy feet keeping you awake at night? How to stop your itchy feet and find relief for burning, itchy feet and toes.
Super Bowl Sunday – A Great Day For A Run!The perfect way to start your Super Bowl Sunday, running a local 5k or half marathon in Southern California. Find the best race for your running level.
Make Your New Year's Resolution Stick Using SMART GoalsHow to start forming new habits for self-improvement. Stick your New Year's resolution using SMART goals.