April is National Foot Health Awareness Month, and the podiatrist's at Sol Foot & Ankle Centers want you to celebrate your feet and take care of them for a lifetime. Give your feet the care they deserve.

Check your feet every day

  • Look at your bare feet every day for cuts, blisters, red spots, and/or swelling.
  • Use the mirror to check the bottoms of your feet or ask a family member for help if you have trouble seeing.
  • Have regular foot examinations by your podiatrist or physician.

Wash your feet every day

  • Wash your feet in warm, not hot, water every day.
  • Dry your feet well.  Be sure to dry between your toes.
  • Test the temperature of your bath water with your elbow or a thermometer.  Do not let hot water drip on your toes.

Take care of your skin and nails

  • Rub a thin coat of skin lotion over the tops and bottoms of your feet, but not between your toes.
  • Use a pumice stone to smooth corns and a calluses.
  • Do not use acid, chemical corn removers, or sharp instruments.
  • Trim your toenails straight across and file the edges with an emery board.

Wear shoes and socks at all times.

  • Never walk barefoot.
  • Wear comfortable shoes that fit well.
  • Feel inside your shoes before putting them on each time to make sure the lining is smooth and there are no objects inside.
  • Always wear well-fitted stockings or socks with your shoes.
  • Shoes should be properly measured and comfortable at the time of purchase.  There should be no “break-in” period.

Protect your circulation

  • Put your feet up when sitting.
  • Don’t cross your legs for long periods of time.
  • Don’t smoke and minimize alcohol use.
  • In cold weather wear insulated boots or heavier socks.  Avoid hot water bottles or heating pads to warm your feet.

Exercise your feet

  • Plan your physical activity program with your physician.
  • Wiggle your toes and move your ankles up and down for 5 minutes, 2 or 3 times a day.

Check with your doctor

  • Work with your health care team to keep your blood sugar under control.
  • Have your check your bare feet and find out whether you are likely to have serious foot problems.  Remember that you may not feel the pain of the injury.
  • Call your doctor right away if a cut, sore, blister, or bruise does not begin to heal after one day.
  • Follow your doctor’s advice about foot care.
  • Call your podiatrist or physician immediately if you detect a new problem or if your foot becomes swollen, red, or painful.  Stay off your foot until you see your doctor.

Get started now

  • Begin taking good care of your feet today!
  • Set a time every day to check your feet.
  • Learn all your can about your diabetes and how it can affect your feet.
(The above foot care tips are especially for people that have diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, nerve and circulation problems.)


Follow these steps and take care of your feet for a lifetime. Your foot health is important all year long, so go ahead and start today! If you have concerns about your feet or are experiencing any type of foot pain contact your podiatrist.

Richard H. Graves, DPM
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Podiatrist, Sports Medicine Specialist
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Aria Wellington 06/01/2016 04:04 PM
I really like your tip about new shoes having no "break-in period." As a girl, that is something that I often deal with when I buy new shoes and it's absolutely miserable. Recently, I started to develop bunions on my feet so finding shoes that are comfy right off the bat is really important. I wonder if my podiatrist could recommend a good brand. http://centrepod.com.au/centrepod/podiatry-2/
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